Queerfeminist midwifery*care around pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


Charlotte Lindig (pronouns she/her):

Since completing my education and bachelor's degree in Midwifery Science, I have worked as a freelance midwife in various locations both with and without birth support. I am passionate about providing people with individual, trusting and empowering support during the process of becoming a parent. With the founding of the queer feminist midwifery team in Hamburg, I am able to combine my political and feminist beliefs with my work, which makes me incredibly grateful and happy.

I myself am white, cis, queer and speak German as my native language, French fluently and English to a medium level.

Mail: c.lindig@hebammenkollektivhamburg.de

Leonie Macdonald (pronouns she/her):

During my education and bachelor's degree in Midwifery, I worked in a variety of professional contexts. After completing my education and working briefly in clinical settings, I began working as an independent midwife. My main focuses were: Pregnancy support, postpartum care and counseling for refugees.

For me, being a midwife also means doing political work. With the founding of the Hebammen*Kollektiv Hamburg, I have now found a space to link politics and midwifery. It is important to me to create a new space that is open, empowering, trusting and beneficial for all involved.

I myself am white, cis and an ally. I speak German and English.

Mail: l.macdonald@hebammenkollektivhamburg.de

Jascha Reinboth (pronouns she/her)

Midwifery is political by nature. So after studying General Rhetoric and Media Sciences and completing my midwifery training, I found my indisputable occupational home here. I worked on the delivery ward of a small hospital near Stuttgart for two years and taught prenatal classes for queer parents alongside. I am now looking forward to supporting the health and self-determination of all those in the care of our queerfeminist team and bolstering the individual resources of the young families and families-to-be. Non-hierarchical care work, in which each person is seen as the most qualified expert for themselves, is very important to me.
I myself am white, queer and bilingual (German and English).

Mail: j.reinboth@hebammenkollektivhamburg.de